5 Educational Apps for High School Students

5 Educational Apps for High School Students
Image from Pexels
The Editorial Team February 11, 2013

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In a world largely dominated by smartphones, social media and technology, it only makes sense that there are educational apps designed specifically for high school students.

While many students may scoff at the idea of schoolwork-related apps on their iPhones, BlackBerrys or Androids (or tablets), a number of apps out there can make learning fun, interactive and overall more enjoyable. Studies even show that when students are more engaged and excited about learning, they’re better able to retain the information. What’s more is that with all the extracurricular activities that the average high school student partakes in, these apps can get students the information they need quickly and help them keep track of important dates.

Here’s a look at five smartphone and/or tablet apps that high school students can use to enhance their studies:

1. The Chemical Touch

Chemistry class is one of the more challenging high school classes and one of the fundamental aspects of chemistry is the periodic table. Available for iOS devices, The Chemical Touch is an interactive, touch-activated periodic table. Students can browse from all the different elements that make up the table and tap each one for more information. Students can also learn about the various elemental properties and categorize them by color. The app is a great review tool or an asset to a student’s everyday chemistry homework.

2. AccelaStudy

Many school districts require high school students to take at least two years of foreign language. But all those different words can be tough to learn, what with having to know definitions, proper spellings and all the other various grammatical rules for a language. That’s where AccelaStudy, a free app, comes into play. It offers flashcards for languages such as Spanish, French and German. It also offers audio quizzes to help students with pronunciation. It’s ideal for preparing for tests and quizzes.

3. Free Graphing Calculator

Anyone that’s taken an advanced math course knows that graphing calculators can be exceedingly expensive. Thanks to the democratization of consumer software development, students can now say goodbye to the pricey tools of the past, switching over to new smartphone apps like Free Graphing Calculator. The app is supported by devices running iOS 6.0 and up, or Android 2.1 and up. With over three million downloads and an average customer rating over 4.5 stars, this free calculator is making waves in the market for educational tools. Get started with this app here.

4. Easel SAT Prep Lite

The SAT is one of the most important standardized tests in a high school student’s career, so it’s crucial to be well prepared. And yes, there’s an app to help prepare for this exam. It’s called Easel SAT Prep Lite and it offers 25 questions on each of the various topics that students are presented with on the SAT. It also includes answer explanations so students who get a question wrong can see where they made a mistake. While the Lite app version is free, there’s a premium paid version that includes much more in the way of SAT preparation, all from the screen of a student’s smartphone or tablet device. While on the topic of SAT prep apps, be sure to check the App Store for the ACT prep apps as well.

5. Studious

Let’s face it — high school is hard work. There’s more homework, more classes to juggle, many tests and quizzes popping up all the time and those dreaded midterms. That’s a lot and it can be a lot for the average high school student to manage. Yes, there are planners and calendars that students can purchase, but there are also apps that can help keep a student’s schedule on track too. Studious is one of those apps. It allows students to set due dates for assignments, dates for important tests and quizzes, and it will even automatically silence a student’s phone during class time. For the busy student, Studious is an essential app.

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