Four Ways Common Core Standards Will Impact Classroom Teachers

Four Ways Common Core Standards Will Impact Classroom Teachers
Image from Pexels
The SHARE Team December 28, 2012

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Adopting the Common Core State Standards in education will impact students, teachers and other education professionals. Although they are designed to provide common standards of education around the country and prepare students for college, the initial steps of implementing the standards will fall on teachers. Recognizing the impact they have on teachers can make it easier to smooth the transition into new standards.

Changes to teaching techniques

The standards will require teachers to change their technique in educating. Since the standards have set expectations, instructors will need to ensure every student is prepared for the curriculum in the following year.

Teachers must determine the best way to educate the class of students with the goal of meeting the educational requirements. Since teachers have the freedom to create lesson plans and adjust the teaching style to the classroom, it is possible to meet the needs of every child and help the class keep up with the changing educational requirements.

Since teachers will need to ensure the class is meeting the required standards, the teaching techniques will change. Instead of teaching to pass standardized tests and evaluation processes, teachers will have the freedom to make changes that allow students to understand the material. The goal is to provide the appropriate lessons for the age group based on the Common Core State Standards for the subject. Teachers are able to determine the best way to keep students’ attention, teach the material and ensure the class understands the required material.

Improved teamwork among instructors

The standards will impact teachers when it relates to teamwork and communication between different age groups and educational levels. According to, a key goal of the standards is getting teachers, students and parents to work together toward a common goal. When the educational changes are first implemented, teachers will need to work together to determine the best way to help students catch up or adjust to the new educational requirements.

Since the criteria have more rigorous educational standards than many previous educational requirements, it will require teachers to work on a plan to help students catch up to the standards without overwhelming them with information.

Instructors in different age groups and educational levels can work together to create a plan to incorporate more material without confusing the students. Although the standards impact teachers when it comes to teamwork, the ability to manage the situation with different grade levels will help students succeed during the initial years of change.

Consistent educational requirements

The Common Core State Standards are designed to help teachers by providing consistent educational requirements and styles. According to, the rigorous content is designed to build upon previous knowledge and has clear requirements for education. Since the teachers have clear and consistent standards to follow, the ability to create plans that focus on the required information will simplify the process of educating students.

Although the standards are clear, teachers will have the ability to adjust lesson plans as long as all of the material is covered throughout the course. The consistent requirements provide the goals that teachers need to achieve throughout the year. When changes are made to the lesson plans, it is easier to get back to the goal because of the consistency.

Changes to continued education

The impact to teachers will also relate to continuing education and any further degrees a teacher might pursue throughout the school year. According to, professional programs and college education for teachers will change to provide educators a better understanding of student requirements at different grade levels. Since the continued education and new college programs will focus on providing teachers with the right tools to meet the core standards, it will be easier to implement them in the classroom setting.

Teachers will find that continued education will be altered to provide better tools based on the state standards and common core requirements. As the programs focus on meeting the rigorous standards, instructors and students learning new teaching techniques will face stringent criteria to get through the program.

The Common Core State Standards will impact teachers by altering the requirements students must meet before moving into the next grade. Although the standards are a change, teachers will have the tools to provide the best education for young students and the freedom to work around the needs of the classroom.

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