A learning styles quiz can help reveal how your students learn, which can help you become a more effective teacher and form stronger connections with your pupils.
Armed with a basic understanding of the most common learning styles and test results showing how your particular students prefer to be taught, you will be better equipped to communicate concepts in a more efficient, productive and fun manner.
Most people find that a bit of each style applies to them, but they usually have one dominant style. By conducting a learning styles quiz, you will gain a more complete picture of how various students learn. This enables you to create a more inclusive classroom with different teaching methods. Also, the quiz can help your students begin to understand how and why they learn more effectively in certain situations. This gives everyone a greater opportunity to succeed.
In addition, understanding your own learning style can help you identify and adjust biases in your teaching methods. For example, a teacher who is an auditory learner may depend heavily on lectures with few diagrams or demonstrations; this favors students who are also auditory learners but can alienate visual and kinesthetic learners. To engage the rest of the classroom, this teacher could incorporate more varied teaching methods such as videos, illustrations, simulations and small-group projects.
Most people’s learning styles reflect their intellectual strengths. Howard Gardner, professor of cognition and education at the Harvard University Graduate School of Education, has identified eight intelligence categories that influence learning style. A good learning style quiz will identify students’ intellectual strengths as well.
Carole R. Endres, a lecturer in economics in the College of Business and Administration at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio has developed a simple learning styles test for students. Example questions and responses include:
Which of these games do you prefer?
You are about to purchase a new stereo. Other than the price, what would most influence your decision?
A new movie has arrived in town. What would most influence your decision to go or not go?
As you design your classroom lectures and activities, remembering your students’ different learning styles and intelligences — as revealed via the learning styles quiz — will help you to engage more students and enhance their learning experience. In addition, introducing more variety into your methods will keep your students interested while increasing retention and understanding.
Categorized as: Tips for Teachers and Classroom Resources
Tagged as: Engaging Activities