Photo Credit: Hello, Wonderful
Have any streamers in your arts-and-crafts closet and an umbrella at home? Within minutes, you could transform your student into a colorful, mystical underwater creature. Follow the super simple directions over at HelloWonderful.
Make an iPhone keyboard come to life with construction paper, popsicle sticks, and markers. Use yellow paper for smiley faces, and add a popsicle stick via tape for the student to hold it. (Cut out circles, eyes, and smiles beforehand to save time.) Then grab a few markers and encourage your student to embellish. From the heart-eye Emoji to the cry-laughing one, the possibilities are endless.
Have your student put their own spin on witchcraft by decorating the iconic black hat. Target and your local dollar store are great places to look for inexpensive hats. Grab one in advance just in case; if no one ends up using it, consider it a mid-day wardrobe change for yourself. Otherwise, encourage your wicked witch to decorate their hat with glitter, stickers, string — whatever you have on hand.
Good luck to you on Halloween — may the sugar be limited and the spirits high. (A teacher can dream, right?!)
Categorized as: Tips for Teachers and Classroom Resources
Tagged as: Holidays