Who’s In Your Boat? A Sweepstakes for Educators

Who’s In Your Boat? A Sweepstakes for Educators
The Editorial Team August 14, 2020

Article continues here

We know that teachers’ spirits remained unbroken as they persevered through the end of this unprecedented school year. In conjunction with the Zamperini Foundation — you may remember Louis Zamperini, hero of the popular book, Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand — we are celebrating ALL that you have accomplished and are aiming to do this fall by helping to acknowledge those in your community (your “boat”) who help you stay resilient in the classroom.

Read Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand or listen to the audiobook this summer!

In the New York Times bestseller, Louis Zamperini was a model of resilience as he overcame childhood adversity to become the youngest American 5,000m qualifier and finished 8th at the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin, Germany; served in the U.S. Army during World War II and survived a plane crash yet remained lost at sea floating on a raft in the Pacific Ocean for 47 days; and was taken prisoner by the Japanese Navy and lived in a  prisoner-of-war camp until the end of August, 1945.

You too have illustrated what true perseverance looks like, having pivoted and adapted to finishing out the last school year strong, despite the unprecedented obstacles that COVID-19 brought to our world. You kept your classroom of students focused on their education despite having to adapt to learning at home. And you shifted your entire spring plans to do, learning new tech-forward teaching strategies all at the same time. Plus, you did so all while trying to balance the responsibilities of your personal lives.

And now with back to school upon us and COVID-19 still a threat, you again are gearing up and bravely stepping into the unknown of in-person, hybrid, and/or distance learning. You are trying to remain optimistic and forward thinking for your students, determined to do what you do best … teach.

But like Louis, you probably haven’t been alone. In honor of you and those who continue to support you, we would like to know who is in your “boat” — who in your school community keeps your spirits afloat?


Simply, CLICK HERE to enter our Who’s in Your Boat? The Unbroken Spirits Sweepstakes by August 31st, and then tag up to four other educators on our Instagram page whose support you value. We will choose one grand prize winner after September 1st, who will receive five $100 Amazon gift cards ($500 total!) to share with their teacher friends. And here’s to a healthy back-to-school season. CLICK HERE TO ENTER THE SWEEPSTAKES!

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